The IRI has been a national forum for discussing the im-portant challenges facing the State Vocational Rehabilita-tion (VR) Services Program. A primary study group of practi-tioners, educators, consumers, and partners is nominated to review the research and literature on a question or chal-lenge faced by VR agencies. All of the IRI documents from the 25th IRI to the 36th are available online The National Clearinghouse and can be downloaded at no charge.
The Job Driven Center for short, was established to support State VR agencies in four main areas -- Business Engage-ment, Employer Supports, Labor Market Information and Customized Training – through general, targeted and inten-sive technical assistance (TA). The team at UA CURRENTS was involved in developing resources and webinars in the four topic areas, providing intensive TA in several states and participating in a national Learning Collaborative.
CURRENTS led the development of the Arkansas’ PROMISE model demonstration project, which provided intensive case management, benefits counseling, workforce devel-opment, employment, education and training for low in-come youth with disabilities and their families. CURRENTS managed the training intervention, which included monthly training opportunities, a summer camp and staff profession-al development.
The Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC) provided training and technical assistance to State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies to help them de-velop the skills and processes needed to meet the require-ments of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). CURRENTS was a partner in the provision of re-sources and strategies to help individuals with disabilities achieve competitive integrated employment, including cus-tomized employment and supported employment.